Andy Crimmins

Vice President, Development |


As Vice President of Development for VanTrust’s Phoenix office, Andy Crimmin’s primary responsibilities include the identification, evaluation, and execution of speculative and build-to-suit industrial development with a focus on retail due to his extensive experience in that sector.

Andy has been involved in many successful companies during his 25+ year career, but his greatest asset is the relationships he’s developed and maintained along the way. Andy has experienced the business from all sides—retail, industrial, tenant, development, and brokerage—and can deftly anticipate the needs of his clients. Andy’s extensive experience and tenured relationships offer a powerful customer-focused approach to real estate strategy, development, and execution. With a specialization in landlord and tenant representation, Andy has worked with some of the top developers, retailers, restaurants, and entertainment venues, both in market entry and expansion throughout the US.

Andy has his degree in Business Administration from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ.

Community Affiliations
  • Innovating Commerce Serving Communities (1995-Present)
  • Operation Breakthrough Development Committee (2017-2021)
  • Cultivate KC Chair, 2023
Professional Affiliations
  • Missouri Real Estate Broker Kansas Real Estate Broker
  • Urban Land Institute (ULI), 2014-Present
    • Management Committee, 2019-Present
    • Real Estate Diversity Initiative Team Advisor, 2019 and Program Chair, 2020-Present
  • Entertainment Development Product Council, 2018-Present

Notable Projects

Park Place R3
435 & State Line
108th & State Line Land
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